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WW aliciachenw

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC

Marc Fraile MarcFraile
PhD graduate, Uppsala University (Sweden). Applying modern Computer Vision to Social Signal Processing and Social Robotics.

Ann Arbor, MI

Shahzad ALi shahzadali21
PhD Fellow @theMIDAgroup || Data Science & Computation || Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna Italy

Linus Falk Falk0

Regal Components AB Uppsala

Zekun Jiang JZK00
I mainly focus on AI in Medical Imaging and Biomedical Physics.

West China Biomedical Big Data Center Chengdu City

If you find my dog Dandan's headshot cute, then we're already friends.
Philipp Flotho phflot
I am a researcher working at the intersection of computer vision, neuroscience, and bioinformatics, focusing on cross-domain challenges.

Saarland University

Di Wang wdhudiekou

DUT-Media lab Dalian, China

Sandipan Dey sandipan
MS, Computer Science (UMBC, USA). BE, Comp Sc. & Engg (Jadavpur University, Kolkata). My book: Hands-on Image Processing with Python


Amir Hachaichi amirlogic
Javascript and Python programmer