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Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Muna Alaneme MunaAlaneme

Morphing Under Night Armor

Mathematician and data scientist. Sound and music AI engineer.

Berlin, Germany

Daniel Sheeler dsheeler
Open source software, linux, audio, GNOME, etc.


Nahuel Passano nahue-passano
Sr Audio AI Engineer at @Fusemachines

Fusemachines Argentina

Arjun Bahuguna arjunbahuguna
Machine Learning for Audio

Audio Realities Aachen, Germany

shwj shwj114514


Abhinav Arora Maydel-c
Audio geek, audio plugin developer (JUCE/C++), web developer (MERN)
Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Lino Mediavilla linomp
[Far beyond all light]

Samotics The Netherlands

Divyesh Bhandari divyeshio
Inquisitive Programmer! | Perf Nerd | 🇮🇳

NashTech Global India

Rene Luijk rluijk

Amsterdam The Netherlands

Nayare Montes Gavilán nayaresoledad
Data Scientist | AI | Python Developer Factoría F5 intern

Factoría F5 Madrid, Spain

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Valerio Orlandini valeriorlandini
Composer, researcher and developer of audio software. Based in Florence, Italy. I mainly use C, C++, Python and Max/MSP.

Conservatorio di Musica "Luigi Cherubini" Florence, Italy

gabriel haruo haruo-gabriel
Computer Science @ IME-USP. Member of @compmus-ime-usp and @uspaudiotech

IME-USP São Paulo, Brasil


Puerto Rico

Gandalf the grey Harsha-vardhan-R
Embedded Systems, Graphics and Audio programming, Machine learning Enthusiast.
Audiovisual Experimentation, Creative Coding and Interactive Sound Design

Leiden University Netherlands

David Nicholson NickleDave
ML, AI; behavior + cog + neuro. Open + inclusive science. Pythonista. He/him (they's ok too). Habla espanglish y baila salsa y bachata a medio tiempo.

@vocalpy Charm City

David Chalifoux davidchalifoux
Developer. Producer. Neighbor.

@LOMA-Funds Michigan, US

fwcd fwcd
Interested in music, compilers and functional programming. PL enthusiast. @mixxxdj and @swiftlang contributor.
Jiawen Mao jwmao98
PhD Researcher in Spatial and Immersive Audio @smtd-pat
Kiren Srinivasan srinitude

@fantasymetals New York, NY