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Marcelo Soares Souza marcelo-soares-souza
Working with Technology since 1996. I am a Free Software and Social Technologies enthusiast.

Agroecology Map Brazil

Rishabh Singhvi rishabhRsinghvi
I'm a developer with expertise in smart contracts and data science.


Alper Can Kılıç Siyahperde
Yaşam: Nefes, Sıhhât, Kaos, Doğa, Permakültür, Örüntü, Strateji, Felsefe, Sanat, Yönetim, Teknoloji, Gelişim, Algı, Empati, Değişim, Beklenti, Zafer ve Yenilgi. Earth

parraguezr parraguezr

@dataverz @pattrnz Denmark

PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Carsten Bach carstingaxion
Media designer, DIY stagedesigner and WordPress lover for a long time. Together with my wife I do puppetry during the day and at night.

freelance germany

Randell Brian Knight RandellBrianKnight
Hello 👋, I'm having fun with AI in my retirement. 🎉

Houma, LA, USA

Guilherme arthurd2

UFSC Florianopolis - SC - Brazil

Quinn McHugh quinn-p-mchugh

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Ralf Barkow RalfBarkow

@dreyeck Earth – The Blue Marble

Sturla Bragason sturlabragason
Information wants to be free.

@Devoteam Remote

Django mediaformat
Software Engineer

Edmonton, Canada

Duke Dorje dukedorje
Building protocols for enlightened society, tools for human freedom using decentralized tech. Identikey, Holochain, World Tree Network Foundation.
