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dell wangyangdell
hardware engineer
Parth Sanepara ParthSanepara

@hprs-in @TrackRHQ Bengaluru

Muhammed blluesQ
Embedded Software
Jan-Willem Smaal jw-smaal
Microelectronics Hobbyist (MCU) projects mainly related to music and MIDI.


Biancaa Ramesh Biancaa-R
ECE undergrad @ SSN '26
Ekgari EkgariKasawala
1st year Engineering PhD student interested in electronics , firmware development and bio-signal processing.

Aston University Birmingham,UK

Inga Woods-Waight IngaWoodsWaight
EECE Engineering Student | Data Science | C, Java, Python, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, STM32, Altium

Houston, Texas

Xiaobin Li from Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China. My major is working on geophysics instrument and software. Email: aben.lee at
Ege Cansız egecansiz
Embedded Software Engineer
Zelin caizelin
Founder of makerdiary / make amazing things

makerdiary Shenzhen

Meysam Parvizi m3y54m
Embedded Systems Engineer
TinLethax TiNredmc
Free time Embedded System Engineer and Robotics enthusiasm. Lvl 0 Reverse engineering, Currently studying at KMITL, Thailand @ Robot Club KMILT Trang, Thailand

Valentin vlntnmrx
Medical-engineering master student in southern Germany

Erlangen, Germany

Philipp Manstein duglah
Flutter Developer at @grandcentrix - Flutter, IoT, 3D Printing


Hector Vidales HectorVidalesEmbeddedSystems
Embedded Systems/Firmware Projects
Jonathan Beri beriberikix
I eat APIs for breakfast. They go surprisingly well with milk. Building @golioth!

@golioth Oakland

GuoYuchao ihidchaos
OpenWrt & OpenThread & Matter
