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Juan Gomez zhampu
Interaction design mediator


Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Gabriele de Seta notsaved
algorithmic folklore, synthetic ethnography, grotesque realism

University of Bergen Bergen

Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Amelia Miramonti amelia-m

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Nebraska

Alexander Zizzo elzii
Hybrid for ~20 years. Design Engineer, UX Prototyper, Tooling & Infrastructure, Full-Stack Dev.

Previously @Netflix, now @Ford California

Anne Lee Steele aleesteele
Aiming to understand and support the people & processes behind our digital lives.

@alan-turing-institute London, UK

Digital Media Lab dimelab
We are a hub for digital media data and digital methods at the Dept of Comms and Humanities, Roskilde University.

Roskilde University Roskilde, Denmark

Hugh Xuechen Liu HughXuechen
Postdoc in interactive AI for interdisciplinary artistic practices at Chalmers University of Technology
Shir_dev ShirWein
⦿ Computational Researcher ⦿ Data Analyst ⦿ Web Developer ⦿
Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Camilla Holm Soelseth brusboks
Digital Humanities

Oslo, Norway

Nora nogully
data journalism / investigative / data visualization
Michael Falk michaelgfalk
Literary critic. Coder. Romanticism, Digital Humanities, Poetry, OzLIt, Wikipedia, Encyclopedism. Currently with @wikihistories

University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC

Óscar oxcar
Working at the intersection of human rights, technology, data, and open knowledge.

Tech Lead @codeandomexico Madrid • Mexico City • Washington DC

Robin de Mourat robindemourat
I share experiments & applications related to scholarly communication, digital methods & collaboration in the humanities and social sciences

@medialab Paris, France

Nicolás Linares nllano
PhD em Ciências da Comunicação (USP). @programminghistorian en español

São Paulo, Brazil

Sophia Knight sophiaaknight
Currently: Researcher for CASM at Demos Previously: MSc Digital Sociology at the University of Edinburgh
Lucas Vogel vogelino
Web-loving nerd with a special focus on UI/UX and web development

Santiago, Chile

Riia Järvenpää rialistic
Riia of Helsinki. Currently: trying to learn to use computers.

This account is for personal projects Helsinki