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Paulo Andre pauloandresdf


Formado em Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação. Desenvolvedor de Software, ⁠Experiência em Angular, React, ⁠ Outras habilidades. escritor nas horas vagas!

Recife, brazil

Danilo Martins DanSmaR
Full-Stack Web Developer

Intern at @newgotecnologia and student at Fatec Mogi das Cruzes Brazil

Gabriel José Gomes Gabrieljoseg
Data Engineer

NTT DATA Recife, PE - Brasil

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Sara Barbosa saravbarbosa
Desenvolvedora de Software

Recife, Pernambuco

Filipe Moreno MoonHawlk
Cs ungraduated student at Cesar School, Data Scientist Trainee at @sidi and focused on Data Science and Data Architecture!

SiDi Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

Juliana Borba julianab14
Aprendendo HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Alyson Farias alysonfarias
Software Developer and B.Sc. Computer Science at Catholic University of Pernambuco

Enghouse Recife, Pernambuco-Brazil

Wilker Silva Wilker100
Electronics student at IFPE.

IFPE Recife, Brazil

Isaque Diniz isaquetdiniz
Software Engineer @ Nubank

Nubank Recife

Felipe Bandeira da Silva Kaakaroto
Olá! Sou o Felipe Silva, apaixonado por tecnologia, autodidata, dinâmico e entusiasta a sempre aprender e reaprender algo novo todos os dias.

@TIM Paulista, Pernambuco

Marcílio Júnior jrsmarcilio
Backend Developer

@ustore Recife, Brazil

Vinicius Suburbanno
I try write the words that computers like.

@OpenStreetMap Foundation Pernambuco, Brazil

Italo Menezes italomlp
Web and mobile developer, coffee enthusiast, javascript lover, and also a graduate in Internet Systems.

@CheesecakeLabs Paraíba, Brazil