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Fiona Tay tay


Elijah Maluleke ElijahMaluleke

Bits and Octet Technologies Johannesburg, South Africa

Leonardo Sousa leonardoalvessousa
AVR and Raspberry programming (' w ')/
Chris christianalafaa
tech. geo. space. sustainability writer. geopolitics. Building tech in sustainability - @beondeck #ODCT4
Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning, Ecommerce and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

mbz mbz4
Practice Flexible Mind
Ethan Li ethanjli
Bioengineering PhD candidate at @prakashlab, software maintainer for @PlanktoScope

@prakashlab Stanford, CA

Nathan Faber teadetime

@thirdwave-ai Berkeley

Salil Kaul KaulSalil
Android and React Native Developer
Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

Jayant Dahiya jayantdahiya
I hibernate 🥱


Keenan Johnson keenanjohnson
Electrical and Software Engineer. Maker. Engineering Human Leader. Startup Advisor. Passionate about climate. Hard Tech founder. Former Rocket Engineer.

Seattle, WA

Roslynn Ricard rosricard
stay at home astronaut

San Francisco

Technical Writer / Data Analyst
Toba Adesanya-Toba
Software engineer with a knack for developing cloud and hardware products that solve difficult problems in the Climate Tech/Renewable energy industry.

Rotork Bath, United Kingdom

Nick Brosnahan nbrosnahan
Software Dev @ Large

Sunnyvale, CA

gianni gianfranco95
Physics PhD student
George Hahn GeorgeHahn

Minnesota, USA. U+1F3D4

David Edwards dave-ct
Raspberry Pi and Python for hobby, Insurance technology CXO by day.

Twickenham, UK

Harshal Deshpande hardesh
Robotics Engineer @ Peppermint

@Peppermint-Robots Pune, India

Somansh V som-ansh
Machine Learning 🦾🤖 📖


Angus Gratton projectgus

Castlemaine, Australia

Samuel Rincé samuelrince
Lead AI Architect @Alygne. Co-Founder of @genai-impact. Open source contributor @Boavizta. Working on sustainable AI. 🤖🌱

Alygne Paris

Andy Lustig alustig3

HHMI Janelia Research Campus

ian vatega ianvatega
Polifacético Multidisciplinar con la premisa que solo sé que no sé nada.


Don Smyth dsmyth
IoT Geek

@ThruWave Seattle, WA

Kristen Okorn KristenOkorn
NASA Ames Research Center - processing low-cost sensor and remote sensing air quality data.
bpetit bpetit
Ops and dev, full-time learner. Working to lower damages of tech on the environment and get the best of it. Co-founder of @hubblo-org & @Boavizta

@hubblo-org France

Nilton Felipe de Oliveira Braz niltonfelipe
Estudante de desenvolvimento de software, buscando aprender um pouco mais, dia a pós dia. Movido a desafios.

Central Expert Jericoacoara-CE

Xi He Xie axiezai
Bioengineer | Computational Neuroscience PhD | One time issue solver for the jupyter project | open science/source enthusiast.

New York City

Joseph Kenene is an engineer working on decarbonisation of energy sector, with the vision to reverse industrial revolution through carbon dioxide removal/CCUS.
Raymond Neil Cerezo cneilmon
I am a technology enthusiast


Daniel Guenther daniel-j-guenther
Product UX-UI Engineer

Remote / Hybrid