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Timo Sarkar sartimo
building cool things @galadrielxyz & threat intelligence @andarielsec


Nik nik-nenkov
I'm an experienced full-stack developer, capable of supporting and extending your existing IT systems, and designing and implementing new ones

Greenwall Business Systems Sofia, Bulgaria

Wondong Shin wdshin
co-founder at What If Studio. Development on games and interesting contents. Learning Generative AI and Python. I like rust,erlang,c# and golang.

What If Studio / CEO Seoul/Korea

arks estapeluo
Add a bio.

Saito Venezuela

Martin Cameron FightTheByte
Currently studying Applied Software Development BSc(hons) @ UHI.
Greg GregDev13
Rust, Ts, Vue, Tailwind

On Earth

Steven theejkb
Blockchain Enthusiast | Front-end Lover


AmrDwedari AmrDwedarii
Researcher in blockchain development, gaining more experience in the backend programming such as solidity, js libraries


Jesus Baron jbaron-mx
SRE | SDE | Cloud Storage | Laravel Advocate | Web3 Enthusiast

Guadalajara, Mexico