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Shada Tahayneh shadatahayneh
I'm a data analyst nanodegree student at Udacity. Also, I'm a senior software quality assurance engineer at Progineer Technology.


arshiartwork arshiartwork
👋 Arshia the best :)
HoseinTahan Ho3einTahan
A developer skilled in Flutter and Node.js for building complete, scalable applications

Pooyesh RemoteCoder

Soheil Khaledabadi soheilkhaledabdi
A back-end developer ⛈️

@asrez @geekGroveOfficial The Internet, Remote

Ali Josheghani ali-josheghani
Front-End Developer Interested in learning more!


Erfan erfangnu
My friend @BaseMax

asrez co

John Bampton jbampton
@apache committer on Apache CloudStack, Apache OpenOffice and Apache Sedona. Contributor to @mruby. Hey @johnbampton

@brisbanesocialchess @SalamLang Brisbane, Australia