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Marek Pankowski mkpanq
Creating cool stuff. Coding keeps my fridge full. My superpowers are speaking Polish and sending memes during F1 races. Just having fun and share it to others.

@Salesloft Warsaw, Poland

Sam Solomon samsolomon
Staff Product Designer at @SalesLoft Co-founded SidePrize (Now PrizePicks)

@Salesloft Atlanta, GA

Diego Alejandro Gentner Polanco PudinDeveloper
Software Engineer

@SalesLoft Mexico

Nate Hoffelmeyer natehoffy
Code 👨‍💻

@Salesloft Utah, USA

Naomi naomipohl
Engineering somewhere
Anushka anushka22

Tableau Research

Tomasz Gil tomaszgil
Senior UI Engineer @SalesLoft

Salesloft Poznań, Poland

Sam Belmor SamBelmor

@salesloft Colima, Mexico

Michel G michelgu
product manager focused on data solutions

@salesloft Atlanta, GA

Karina Halavur khalavur
Product Designer


Levar Pitts levarpitts

SalesLoft Charlotte, NC

German Ruiz germanruzca
practice to learn 🚀. Software Engineer @SalesLoft.

@Salesloft Mexico

Jongan69 jongan69
Building technologies leveraging decentralized coins

Miami Beach Florida

Jeffrey Mcintyre redeyecoding
Taking it one line of code at a time.

New York, NY

Daniel RodrĂ­guez Monroy willsnake

Salesloft Guadalajara, Jalisco

Coby Chapple cobyism
AI/ML/OSS/Systems/Product Designerd™ • Chaotic neutral • Prev: @github / @intercom / @radixdlt / Seth Godin's altMBA

The Internet™ • Planet Earth™

Sandeep Gunda IamSandeepGunda
Senior Data Engineer @SalesLoft

@SalesLoft Atlanta, GA