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Sohanuzzaman Soad ssoad
Full-Stack Developer || Python & Django || Flutter || Kotlin || Android || Passionate to Create Something Innovative & Efficient

Advanced Software Development Dhaka,Bangladesh

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Caroline Jardy Carjardying
Yes, that's a JJBA sweat


rchouhani rchouhani
Junior Developper in learning

Paris 15

Theo Goedert theopaolo
Mostly frontend 💎 France

Guillaume guillaume-vcnt
Full Stack Developer (Jr currently learning)


sabritou sabritou
Votre petit dev web préféré ;)

LyCloud Agency

Ange Ange230700
Fullstack developer | React, NodeJS, MySQL, ExpressJS

Nantes, France

Ludovic Pouet fullpotatoes

Ada Tech School France

Assiar AssiarDev
I'm an apprentice developer.
Daniel Cueto DanielHNCT

Bezons, France

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Yannick Oudin oudinyannick
Je suis en reconversion pro à l'école @adatechschool de Nantes. Je recherche une alternance pour septembre 2024.
Hidouen Hidouen
👨‍💻 Developer Full Stack. I’m excited to contribute to innovative projects and collaborate with the tech community.

Ada Tech School Nantes (44)

Claudio Mendonça ClaudioMendonca-Eng
Software Engineer dedicated to code quality, passionate about emerging technologies, and advocating for inclusive programming education for all.

Lumini IT Solutions - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

DAVEIGA ItsJessicaDaVeiga

Ada Tech School Paris

Ben Arbia Sarra Sarrabah
Apprentice software developer at @multi-coop , and student in software development at @adatechschool


Nora Idris NoraIdris
💻 Développeuse Web Full Stack, Recherche une alternance d’un an, Rythme: 4 jours en entreprise / 1 jour en formation.