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Leonardo Cabral leonardo-cabral67
Software developer trying to create cool stuffs.


Joel Filho joelbrs
Software Development student, majoring in Computer Science and passionate about technology! :)

CI&T São Luís, Maranhão

Davi DaviJoseMach
Software.Prompt Engineer | Tech. Info. | Java, TS, Ruby, C#, PHP

@PayFor-Company São Paulo, Brazil

Rodrigo Stramantinoli ropoko
working on Wild League

Barra Bonita, São Paulo - Brasil

Dário dario-gms
Cursando superior em Arquitetura de Dados e estudando Programação.

Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro

Jean Oliveira Jeanikt
Software Engineer

Inovacomm Rio de Janeiro

Caio Borghi ocodista

Lean Tech Solutions

Pierre Souza pierresouza
Front-End Developer | React JS | Typescript

Zanthus - tecnologia de resultados são paulo

Joaquim Cassano JoaquimCassano
A Brazilian developer and student
Emanuel Avila meiazero
Researcher and Majoring in Information Security on Federal University of Ceará - UFC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fortaleza, Brazil

Erick Nathan ericknathan
Front-end Developer | React - NextJS - JavaScript - Typescript - Svelte - SvelteKit

Febrafar São Paulo, Brazil

Bruno Eduardo de Souza Medeiros brunoeduardodev
fullstack dev building things with ts, react, nextjs, postgres, etc


Akinn Rosa akinncar
Senior Software Engineer (React Native, Expo, React, Node, Blockchain)

@ExodusMovement Brazil

Daniel Limae bolodissenoura
Founder - @AbacatePay remote from anywhere

Christopher Ribeiro ChristoPy
Full-Stack Engineer | Building

@dymmepay @alertpix Brazil