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VAIBHAV GUPTA vaibhavguptahere
Whenever there is unity there is always victory....

Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Anvesh Mishra mr-anvesh
Using python to build some cool stuff.


manikumarreddyu manikumarreddyu

Aditya University Tirupati

Arihant Gupta GuptajiRocks
SCSET, BU'27 CSE Undergrad Building my open source profile

Bennett University Greater Noida, U.P, India

Arisha Ali arisha-git
Student at Bennett University | Passionate about AI, coding, building projects and learning new technologies
Aryan Gahlot Shadow-Gard3n
Code, debug, repeat.


Praveen Lokku praveenlokku
B-tech 2nd year Student | ComputerScience DSA || Python || Django || Flask || C++

Greater_Noida Uttar Pradesh

Hi, I'm a computer science student passionate about coding. I'm building skills in programming. My goal is to grow as a developer and contribute to the industry


Veera Raghavulu Dasari Raghava44u
our thinking is bigger than the WORLD. Student at Bennett University/ Computer Science/Passionate about Technology

india, andra pradesh, kadapa,rly kodur

Diksha Shrivastava diksha-shrivastava13
Exploring Reasoning | Prev - AI @ DPS, SAP, BMZ, AIM, Ivy, BU | Google KaggleX Fellow '22


Samaksh Tyagi samakshty
Student at Bennett University | AI/ML Enthusiast | President of the Artificial Intelligence Society @bennettai
