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🍩 Steven Harland stvnhrlnd
Fine leather jacket salesman.

@Etive-Mor @Full-Hack-Developer Scotland

Liam Laverty liamlaverty
Climate tech in Python, Typescript, C#, .Net. @Etive-Mor "Always read the instructions first, even if you don't intend to follow them"

@Etive-Mor Scotland

Hadi Prasojo hadiprasojo
PhD student, exploring energy-enviro-econ nexus

IUSS Pavia / UniInsubria Varese, Italy

Criomhthann Morrison criomh
Bridging policy analysis and data science. Focused on informed action and solidarity with local and global communities for climate justice and systems change.

Trinity College Dublin Dublin, Ireland

Luiz C Soares luiz-cs
Mestrando em Ciência Política aprendendo a trabalhar com código.

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Calvin Nesbitt CalvinNesbitt
Research Engineer @ TransitionZero with a background in climate science

@transition-zero London

Santiago Goggi santigoggi
Technical Consultor at MAyDS Argentina
Jack Robertson JackCrawfordRobertson
Hi, I'm Jack, an information designer who explores how storytelling and narrative can examine complex systems!


Lucas Valenca1 lucasvalenca1
Let's code the future! Lifelong learner, always coding. #ukbased #codinglife

smart8 United Kingdom.

Jhony Vidal mrjhonyvidal
<Senior Full-Stack Developer && System Analyst />

London, UK

Patrick Linton pashri
I'm not sure.

BAO Systems Cambridge, United Kingdom

Liz Roten eroten
Data Scientist & Cartographer

@Metropolitan-Council St. Paul, Minnesota

Miten Patel MitenPatel-hub
Computer Science Student at Oregon State University
Charlotte McClintock charlottemcclintock
climate, justice, data.

Seattle, WA

James Blackwell j-blackwell
Data and Platform Engineer

London, UK

Isabel Verkes IsVer

ESG Book New York City

Justin Boylan-Toomey justinbt1
Machine Learning Lead at the Wellcome Trust.

@wellcometrust London, UK

Anne annecremin
Performance Analyst, bodges things. Currently busy implementing GA4 on GOV.UK - see our alphagov repos

Government Digital Service London

ppimpaxam ppipxam
Investment Analyst, Data Scientist & ML engineer
Zane Selvans zaneselvans
I'm part of @catalyst-cooperative. We liberate public data about the US energy system for climate activists, NGOs, journalists, & academic researchers.

@catalyst-cooperative Chiapas, México

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Arif Cem Gundogan cemgundogan
All things climate change, AI/ML, Earth Observation, Embedded Electronics, Ethical Hacking and Quantum Computing. Long live FOSS.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development London

Katharina Brunner cutterkom
investigative data journalist @br-data, archivist @forummuenchen