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Juan dpmj
Así es.

Universitat Politècnica de València Entre Andalucía y València

tttt hugh-tong
Keep learning
Lorenzo Campoli lkampoli
Research Fellow @unimelb

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

Srinivas Kirthy K skirthy
PhD student, Aerospace Engineering

Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru

code_saturne developper numerical schemes, linear algebra, high performance computing
ruonan_wang dng-github

University of Surrey Guildford, UK

Surya Kiran Peravali peravali0812
Researcher in Numerical Fluid Flows, Multiscale Modelling and High Performance Computing

DESY Hamburg

Damian damian-666
Powered Ragdoll Art Game, Multi-physiks. McGill Phys-> NLP /AI->Autodesk CAD 9 ys->Audio DSP->Quantum Gravity Modeling tooling, AI & comms UI

Los Angeles based, but often as possible near warm seas with surfable waves

Timo Zhang TimoLin
Focusing on Numerical Simulation of Two-phase Reacting Flows

NUAA China

Shiyu Lyu lyushiyu
PhD student in AeroEng, focused on turbulence modelling and numerical algorithms for complex flows.

Technical University of Munich Munich

Pawel Cwiek simplynail
Python programmer with background in building services (HVAC)

Warsaw (PL)