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Vsevolod Dh-Kh
Software developer


chesca:D chescaaa12
Financial Economics student taking a data science minor
Elmo Neto elmoneto

@Geosimples Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Roberto Salas robsalasco
Quantitative Political Scientist, GIS Specialist, R, Python & Javascript developer.

Santiago, Chile

Rafael H M Pereira rafapereirabr
Researcher on Cities, Transport Policy, R, Spatial Analysis, Equity, Demography

Ipea - Institute for Applied Economic Research Brasilia, Brazil

Felipe Bethonico felipebethonico
M.Sc Transportation Engineer | Data Science | Power BI

SUMOB Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

abdeaitali abdeaitali
PhD, MSc. in Maths & CS!

VTI/LiU Stockholm

Connor Riley ctriley
Co-Founder & CTO Ontra Mobility Previously: @google, @gatech, @umich, UConn.

Ontra Mobility New York

Mustafa Kemal Sürmeneli mkemals
Mathematician, Senior Software Engineer (Transportation, GIS)

IMM Transportation Management Center İstanbul/Türkiye

Liam Leveto lleveto

Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Cleveland, OH

Yoon, Seungje sjYoondeltar


Sanjay Somanath snjsomnath
PostDoc Researcher - Computational Sustainable Design.

Chalmers University of Technology - Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering Gothenburg, Sweden

Dro Sohrabian dnsohrabian

City of Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio

Erick Vieyra eviey
Software Engineer | San Diego, CA

Zoox California, USA

Transport. Data. city blender.
Zahra Ansarilari Ansarilari

PhD from University of Toronto

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Alistair brereh

SYSTRA Reading, London

Tim Bender benda18

Durham, North Carolina

Daniel Szabó BecAlenvers
Environmental epidemiology & sustainable mobility research

Recetox, Masaryk University Brno

PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Steve Pepple stevepepple
Civic technologist and co-founder of Vibemap

Vibemap San Francisco

James Gaboardi jGaboardi
GIScience, Python, Spatial Optimization, Geocomputation, @pysal, @uscuni, @ORNL

ORNL Atlanta, GA

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Felix Gündling felixguendling
Founder & CEO triptix GmbH. C++ enthusiast. Swimmer.

@motis-project Darmstadt, Germany

Renata Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira retaoliveira
Professor at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais. Researcher at the PLACES Research Group.

CEFET-MG Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Leonardo H. Añez Vladimirovna toborochi
Informatic Engineer (CS) (25). Currently doing a Masters in Data Science. Moving data from eax to esp since 1998.

@Unosquare Montevideo, UY

Levi McCollum levimccollum
🚍 🗺️ 📊 Geographer working to build better government.
LinusR LinusReuter
University CS student at KIT.

KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Karlsruhe, Germany

Leonard Schrage leonardschrage

Living Systems, MIT Berlin, Boston