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Matéo Bourji mateobourji

London, United Kingdom

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ali Boulajine nabdali
I am a fullstack software developer. Making hiking and software it's my favorite hobbies. I learn piano and DevOps practices.

@pick-app @SoCaTel Lille, France

Konstantin konstunn
Software engineer
Marcism markkinuthia
R fanatic Excited about data science and all the emerging trends machine learning , deep learning and artificial intelligence

Toronto , Canada

teikitel teikitel

Grenoble (FRANCE)

Quang-Vinh Khuat vnpower
It's never too late to do the meaningful things!

BK Automation & Software Hanoi, Vietnam

Andy Sainsbury asainsbury
Bit of an all round technologist, with a Network Engineering background. I love solving problems, learning new things and tinkering with code.

Transurban Melbourne, Australia

DaeHee Kim m4292007

Kyungsan, R.O.K.

Ferdinand Mom 3outeille
Research engineer

HuggingFace France

Aurélien "beorn" Rougemont beorn-
Been pushing buttons for too long to remember

@criteo Paris

Stefan Nesic stefannesic

Télécom Paris Paris, France

Nhat Tran nhat416

WeCloudData, Beamdata, Elegant by Design Toronto, Canada

Asaad Belarbi Asaad27
Software engineer


Then I recited two lines of poetry: "Were it to benefit my country I would lay down my life; What then is risk to me?"
Dora Doraboi11
The noob web developer who's always one step away from a server meltdown.I google error messages and asks for help on forums, but I like to code, wink emoji.