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Nay Wint naywintx
Freelancer Blogger

NWBLOG Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA, USA

hebe ⚸ dite SeleneCosmia
⯎ I do a little bit of everything ⯎

In Your Walls

Sijawusz Pur Rahnama Sija
Binturong from the morning, chess playa by mid-day, chef for lunch, Crystal, Ruby et al. hacker by night.
Shimba, Koji shimbaco
Creator of Annict and Mewst.


GitHub isabella232

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Alexander ADAM alexanderadam
Software developer in Zug / Zürich / Switzerland

@vade-io Zürich, Switzerland

Marco Roth marcoroth
Rubyist, Full-Stack Devloper and Open Source Contributor

Basel, Switzerland