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Roland Marion Manalo marion-manalo
Hi, I'm Marion, I am a third-year Computer Science major at the Univerity of Georgia (UGA), and this is my personal GitHub. Welcome!

Athens, GA

Sakher Al-Qaaidi sa5r

Indiana University Bloomington, IN

Gustavo Delgado gustavodelgadoa
Student at the University of Georgia
Matthew Chapman mdchap
Software Developer

Integrated Support Systems, Inc. Hartwell, GA

Zach R Middleton zmiddle
Working on my OSCP and ethical hacking content creation.
Divesh Gupta Legendile7
College Sophomore. Ethical Hacking & Game Dev enthusiast. MIS Major @ University of Georgia CS Minor

Overshock Games Athens, Georgia

Roland Marion Manalo rsm96999
Computer Science Major at the University of Georgia. Personal GitHub: @marion-manalo
Bipasha Bipin bbip1230
Hi! I am a third year computer science major at UGA!

University of Georgia

Swapnil Roy thespcrewroy
UGA '27

University of Georgia Athens, GA

John Atkinson Green-atkinson
UGA - CS & AD || Product @ Google || MLT SWE Fellow || CodePath || ColorStacks || Ron Brown

@Google Athens, GA

Milo Bauman mjearlb
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science - University of Georgia | B.S. in Mathematics - University of Georgia

University of Georgia Athens, GA

Drew Gilliland Gillifish

Gilliland Inc. Marietta, Georgia

Alex Bradshaw alexbradshaw
Aspiring computer science professional. Graduate of a Full Stack Web Development course taken through the UPenn. Pursuing a Computer Science degree at UGA.

Athens, Georgia

Ivan Zheng iz06479
I'm an aspiring computer engineer involved with @cs1302uga @acm-uga @Herring-UGAECSE-2920-S25

University of Georgia Athens, GA

Ryan M Personal Account RyanMajd
dont use this one lol

Athens GA

ModeratelyDisappointing ModeratelyDisappointing
Student, mostly prioritizing web development (front-end) at the moment though.