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Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Wang Yung An Synesarts
Artist and who see world with haptic.




tanxin kancheng

Peking University Taoyuan, Taiwan

dc g giuyyt
Tell us a little bit about yourself
Efecan Erdem efecan0
Learning reverse-engineerin & C++


Frank Hu frankhu1089
NFT collector / DAO contributor / Tech Reader 1/3 collect what I like. 1/3 support experiment. 1/3 support artist from Taiwan.

frontier foundation Taipei, Taiwan

KennHuang kennhung

NYCU CSIE Chiayi, Taiwan

Wei-Liang Liou ALiangLiang
One who writes code that makes the world lazy.


Yeonguk choo121600

한국해양대학교 Seoul, Republic of Korea

Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Stephen Douglas Scotti sscotti
Former radiologist now involved with DevOps, Full Stack Dev, Medical Informatics & Imaging. Big fan of Docker, DICOM, Debian LINUX, Portainer.

Medical Informatics, PACS, DICOM, HL7 Italy

Salim Kanoun salimkanoun
Nuclear Medicine Physician Java, Php, Python, Javascript, full stack developer

Pixilib Toulouse (France)

Chung-Yi Yang gnayyc
An imager and an imaginer
PJ PenziSu
student of NCHU


郵差 luckypig3400
安安~( •̀ ω •́ )✧ 01001110 01101011 01110010 01110010 01110101 01000011 01110101 01111000 01110010 01101010 NTUNHS 國北護資管系 大安高工 電機科

NTUNHS 國北護資管系 Taipei , Taiwan

Senthil Nachimuthu sencode
Medical informaticist, physician, semi-decent programmer. Lead of Covenant - open source COVID-19 quarantine management system (
Chung-Yueh Lien cylien

National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences Taipei, Taiwan