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Rithwik Sriram The-Fallen-Phoenix
👋 Hi, I'm Rithwik Sriram, a first-year student at VIT Chennai, passionate about technology, problem-solving, and innovation.
Yamini Priya M R yaminipriyx
Hi, I'm Yamini, a passionate computer science student with a deep interest in AI, web development, and cybersecurity. I enjoy building innovative projects.


andromeda andromeda7063
CSE student VIT Chennai | Technical Team Member @cyscomvit | (arch)Linux user

Chennai, India

Divyanshu Patel divyanshupatel17
Currently studying at VIT Chennai .

school Chennai

spacecentre Akkilesh-A
npm run build


Kulkarni Rutuparna Ratnakar K-Rutuparna1087
BTech Mechatronics and Automation VIT-Chennai 2027`
Prasanna Ezhilmurugan prasanna-ezhilmurugan
Student at VIT university (Chennai Campus) pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

@wild-shrooms @cyscomvit Virudhachallam

P K Pavan Teja pkpdeleo
VITC-2026 | Your friendly web developer!
4xt_nqf shubhi-tiwari
is this the edge of the world? the constellations are so unfamiliar.
myself kedhar from vit chennai ,ECE deptarment.

VIT chennai chennai

PS Vijay vijay-ps
Software Engineering Student , Full Stack Developer And ML Enthusiast "Embarking on the epic adventures of code !"

Vellore Institute Of Technology Chennai

Siddharth Awasthi siddharth-awasthi
Hey i like to dive into tech that excites me then figure the rest from there, my goal is to be a generalist with skill level on par with the specialists.
Bharghav Srinivasan BharZInstein
College Undergrad Exploring the worlds of Web3 and AI
Parth parthsidpara
essentially nothing


Jeevan Yoganand JeevanYoganand
Amateur Developer.

Chennai, TN, India

Bhushan Songire Bbs1412
I am computer enthusiast studying B. Tech in VIT-Chennai currently.
Abhilash Khadanga RagedAbhi
Hey... I am Abhilash. I am a Web dev enthusiast.
vijayarun_ vijayarun00100
proud to be a </> , drink python for living. love to Pentest things. Pancakes are the bugs that I need to finsh out fast.


A.Sachive Anand Sachive-Anand

Students of VIT Vellore Campus

Subhadeep Chell SHERLOCKx90
B.Tech Undergraduate . Programmer . Full-Stack Developer . UX Designer

@app2build Durgapur, West Bengal, India

Preyash Yadav preyashyadav
MS CS @ UC Davis | AI Researcher & Full-Stack Developer | Deep Learning, Web Development, Leadership Enthusiast | Seeking Summer 2025 Internships

UC Davis San Francisco, California