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Jenyfer Ríos Sierra jrioss
Ingeniera Industrial y magíster en Ingeniería Industrial. Estudiante de especialización en analítica

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín

Rafael Oliveira RaffaelPO
Journalist by day, wannabe coder by night and Saturdays. Trying to make data journalism happen, one Google search at a time 🔍

Santa Maria da Feira / Espinho

Niccolo Salvini NiccoloSalvini
PhD Healthcare Data Science @ucsc

europe/rome GMT+1

Nick Crews NickCrews
Ex-Googler, physicist, tutor. Working in the progressive political space. Using python, duckdb, ibis, and record linkage.

@ShipCreekGroup Anchorage, Alaska

Olivier Binette OlivierBinette
Data Scientist @ American Institutes for Research Duke Statistical Science PhD

Duke University Durham, NC

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

volkan volkanto

@deliveryhero Berlin

Youssef Hassan youssefhass
Data Engineer 👨‍💻@DFE-Digital

United Kingdom

Aaron Littman amlittman

UCLA School of Law Los Angeles, California

Thomas Opp wtopp

onward reserve atlanta

Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc

James O'Claire ddxv
Moving mobile attribution from 3rd party trackers to 1st party mobile apps.

OpenAttribution Taipei, Taiwan

Blake Feldman bfeldman89
I advocate for criminal law reform at the state and local level through community organizing, legislative advocacy and impact litigation.

Jackson, MS

Rob Reid reliablerascal
Education Data Developer

Texas Tribune Austin, Texas

Carl Hiltbrunner Subzidion
SDE working @aws.

Seattle, WA

hayley haowens
unc, chicago.
Raphael Paul Laude raphaellaude
Urban planner turned spatial data engineer, analyst, web dev

@calthorpeanalytics New York City

Nora nogully
data journalism / investigative / data visualization
Khanh Tran khanhbtrn

MSc Computing and Information Systems at Queen Mary University of London London, England

Catalin Hatmanu binaryfog Canada

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Faza Byandika Hikmatullah Fazatholomew
One might call me a Jack of all trades, master of none, but I just love solving problems!
Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA


East Brunswick, NJ

Alison (she/her) alison985
Data Engineering - Transform & Architecture, Governance, BI, product metrics, & automation. SQL Python LookML DBT Snowflake Big Query Redshift Postgres

@StantonVentures Illinois USA, Remote Only

Oli Treadwell (he/him) olitreadwell
Software Engineer

Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

Jack Herbkersman jherbkersman
The sentence I am currently typing is the sentence you are currently reading.

Error Logs


Naver Corp.

machiko machikoyasuda
🚏📓🐈🌱 learning, writing + coding for the public

@compilerla Los Angeles, Calif.

Cam cam-rodriguez
journalist, cartographer, rom-com nerd; chicago fanatic and midwest defender. local investigations @nytimes currently, other places in the past

@nytimes Chicago, IL

Joshua Farina joshred83
Data Scientist specializing in economic migration patterns. Current Graduate Student at Georgia Tech's Online Masters in Analytics.
Logan C loganibo
NYC Independent Budget Office Assistant Director, Budget Review

New York City Independent Budget Office

Vitor Baptista vitorbaptista

João Pessoa, PB, Brazil