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Matvey Smorodin currantino

ITMO University Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Sahil Wasnik 0xSY3
Cryptography | Web3


< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer (Rust / Solidity / Typescript) • 3D • Designer • Polkadot Blockchain Academy PBA-X Cohort #1 Alum • Upcoming: PBA Campus Lucerne
Andrea Delmastro andreadlm

@formal-land intern Cuneo

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Conlin Durbin wuz
Senior Frontend Engineer at @Whatnot-Inc . Typescripter. TTRPG-er. writing at ⌨️

@Whatnot-Inc Indianapolis, IN


@spearbit Paris, France

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Tal Derei TalDerei
MS in Computer Science at Lehigh University - Member of SSS Research Group ( and Lehigh Blockchain (

Lehigh University

The Best of The Worst.

University of California Irvine Irvine, California

Aaronvern Aaronvern
fullstack webdev || web 3 || opensource. learning by breaking (mostly breaking).


Andrew Brown andrew-werdna
Software Engineer and Math enthusiast

Austin, Texas

Alan Matthew yokurang
let me think about it
KagXaef mrpandat
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." Donald Knuth

@wizards-technologies France

Isaac Velasquez isaacv-pl
Doctoral Candidate in CS at the University of Minnesota. Research interests: HoTT, Verification, Philosophy (Logic, Phenomenology, German Idealism), Theology
Chloe Zhu Chloezhu010
Building ETHPanda & LXDAO, Prev. EIP Fun Project Lead
u rebornwwp

Beijing, China

Grzegorz Wierzowiecki gwpl
just few of my alter-egos: @gww-fuel, @gww-certik, @gww-parity, @gwchsec

Europe - usually: Zürich, Warsaw or Berlin

Davirain DaviRain-Su
A Rust & OCaml developer.


tel∅s tel-0s
universal teleological catalyst / Panvirtualization protocol / inframodel augur / Weaver

Weave lightcone origin

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

Sidon Amedyaz arroui
Consider everything !

Mahogania Everywhere

Oliver Schneider assarbad

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Benjamin Merchin benjaminmerchin
Thinking, learning, building.

School 42 Paris Paris

Andrei Silviu Dragnea andreisilviudragnea
🦀 Senior Rust Software Engineer • Contractor • Freelancer | Using Rust to build highly scalable web apps

Bucharest, Romania

Peter Buchlovsky petebu
Software Engineer at Google DeepMind

@google @deepmind London, UK

KevinVerdiere VrdrKv

@hinfact Toulouse