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Using AWS, Lambda, EventBridge, MongoDB, Express, Vercel, Node, TS, SWC, JWT, Vite, esbuild, TailwindCSS, Netlify, pnpm, Cloudflare, SendGrid, VSCode, and GPT4o
Arda TANRIKULU ardatan
TypeScript | JavaScript | GraphQL

@the-guild-org Karşıyaka, İzmir, Türkiye

Minh Vuong vuongxuongminh
Enjoy life.

HCMC, Vietnam.

Ronald Hötschl rhoetsc

@codecentric Munich, Germany

Harshit Kumar harshitkumar31

@walmartlabs Hyderabad

Laurin Quast n1ru4l

@the-guild-org BW, Germany

Iha Shin (신의하) XiNiHa
Web Developer, especially interested in frontend development.

South Korea