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Ariq Heritsa Heritsam
Fulltime Learner | Data Science Student | Mobile Developer

Lavish Kreate Bogor/Bandung

Hidayat Taufiqur hidayattaufiqur

Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia

Agus susanto agussusanto18
Learning new things and challenges, especially in the world of IT, learning and teaching is something I enjoy.

AXAR Technology Subang, Indonesia

Yasri Ridho Pahlevi yasridho
🚧 Work In Progress 🚧

Makassar, Indonesia


Telkom University Senoparty

Juan Carlos Miranda juancarlosmiranda
Computer Engineer | Computer Science | Agricultural and Food Science and Technology. I try to keep learning every day.

Universidad Nacional de Itapúa Encarnación - Paraguay

Pravinn pravinn0
I'm an avid tech and a chess fan. "\n" Reactjs Developer : )

Fresher India

Muhammad Mufid Utomo mufidu
Follow me to keep updated with the projects I'm working on (and sometimes abandon).

Telkom University Indonesia

Putta Srujan srujan-here
Core member at @IIITiansNetwork | Full Stack Developer | Programmer | Learner


AfrizalSY AfrizalSY
Hi I'm Afrizal Syahruluddin Yusuf


Rayhan Rusyd ryuu12
Just a hobbyist.

Except I wasn't