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Milica Spasic SpaMillie
An aspiring pentester and a passionate student of @hivehelsinki
Anya Zinchenko greyear
maybe someday a developer? currently @hivehelsinki student

Helsinki, Finland

Paulo Omega omegapaulo
Software Development Enthusiast

Helsinki, Finland

Ahmad Isse Farah CanoGel
👨‍💻 Full-Stack Developer |🎓IT Student |💡 Turning ideas into code |🚀Building, Learning, Growing |🤝Open to Collaboration |🔥Driven by Passion and Innovation

IRISE Mogadishu

Johnny Varila zoni527
Hive Helsinki student
Felipe Dessoy Caraballo FjjDessoyCaraballo
Studying software development @ Hive Helsinki. My current focus is in cybersecurity and backend.


Xanh Vi tranthanhvi

@hivehelsinki 🐝

TRIET PHAM hihi-louis
Software Developer

Helsinki, Finland

duyt1713 duyt1713

@hivehelsinki Helsinki

Akancha Akancha-Kumari
Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer

@hivehelsinki Helsinki, Finland

Martin Dahlström mdheuser
Currently a student at Hive Helsinki coding school. Background in the fine arts. MA from Aalto University (FI), MFA from Göteborg University (SE).


Nikolas Goulios NikolasGoulios
Actively working on improving not just code, but myself. 🏳️‍🌈

Hive Student Helsinki

Julia Llama ipersids
Software Engineering Student at Hive Helsinki (42 School Network).

@hivehelsinki Helsinki, Finland

Helena hlntzg
Exploring the world, coding at @hivehelsinki, and constantly learning.




Elena Polkhovski lenkras
- - Future Software Developer 👩‍💻 - - Student at Hive Helsinki 🐝

Helsinki, Finland

Riku Leskinen rayarray
Student at Hive Helsinki. Piscine 08/22. Core finished 10/24. Waiting for internship. ₿

Bitshift Oy Helsinki, Finland

Ville Savolainen svolain
Student at Hive Helsinki

Hive Helsinki Helsinki

Usman Ahmed usmanUA
From Quantum Chemistry to Code: Evolving into a Polyglot Programmer
Markus K. Marsu4ever
Live Long and Code.
Lauren Burkinshaw lburkinshaw
Studying programming @hivehelsinki

Studying at Hive Helsinki Helsinki

Jc730 jcestrada730


Marek Burakowski Hatamoto
Software development student in 42 Hive Helsinki. Writing code every day, mostly in C and C++. Some of it is available in the repositories here.

Logoteknia Oy Helsinki

Aleksandra Heinänen SashaCHU-st
Programming student at Hive Helsinki and at HAMK degree program: Computer applications

Hive Helsinki student Helsinki

Ryan Boudwin KrolPolski
Junior Software Engineer with enterprise technical support experience

Espoo, Finland

Henri Maronen HenronenGIT
❄️ Full Stack Developer at Slush 🐝 Alumnus of Hive Helsinki

Slush Helsinki

Baptiste B9R9
JUNIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER | Alumni @ Hive Helsinki 42Network

Hyper[in] Helsinki

Lumi K lkilpela
Programming Student @hivehelsinki

Helsinki, Finland

Alireza Sohrabizadeh Sepahsalar
Software Engineering Student at Hive Helsinki (, part of the 42 Network (


Marius Meier Nipsu24
Student at Hive Helsinki (42 school), mainly coding in C and CPP.

@hivehelsinki Espoo, Finland