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李沛铮 hebutBryant


profe TheMolecularDynamicsProfessor
Professor of Material Physics & Molecular Simulations at the university level.
I'm @haoxins, this is the GitHub account for working
淺川 曦 ChenxiNeko
I am making an Indie game with @Bastet-works . Producer. Learning Frontend Development. Aimming to be a Full-Stack Developer.

Northeastern University Shenyang, China

wang ao WangAo-0
2022,graduated from Dalian Maritime University . 2023,worked in Huawei Cloud Computing. 2023,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 成都

齐豪 theqihao
Ph.D. candidate of CS, HUST

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan

Zire Young Zire-Young
Hanyan Yin yinhanyan

Renmin University of China Beijing

Yiyang Dai XMTX2036

Zhejiang University Hangzhou China

Chengxiu Zheng Mr-Z2001
Student in Northeastern University (China), major in Computer Science - Big Data Manag. & Analysis.

Northerneast University (China) Liaoning, China.

Leo.Cai what-is-me

Northeastern University China

Mathematics; Statistics; Computer Science

Northeastern University Hunnan District

SiLe Zhou PokIsemaine
B.A. student NEFU-SE | M.S. student NEU(CN) -CS @iDC-NEU | OSPP 2023 student @casbin | @apache

@iDC-NEU | @casbin | @apache

Zhixiong Xiao xiaozxiong
Graduate student in computer science, Shandong University

Shandong University Qingdao

文西 wenxi-3000

Winter Consulting

danddy lluckydog
My interests include blockchain and distributed system.


Ahoy, the Fate Weaver lovelynewlife
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Arkham Asylum Gotham: the legacy of human

Qiuyu Ding litrane
Blockchain research

Peking University Beijing

Hussein Abdallah hussien
PhD candidate/TA at Concordia University @CoDS-GCS , Interested in ML applications for large Scale KGs, Sampling for Graph neural networks,RAG-KG

Computer Science PhD Candidate Montreal,Canada

Caiyi Wu Codebells
Graduated from NEU

Bytedance China