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Svetlana Sieber svetlanasieber
true Computer Enthusiast

Privat Switzerland

Andrei Silviu Dragnea andreisilviudragnea
🦀 Senior Rust Software Engineer • Contractor • Freelancer | Using Rust to build highly scalable web apps

Bucharest, Romania

Milad Nekofar nekofar
I'm a self-taught Software Developer and a Freelancer.

Freelancer Middle East

Jordy JordyKingz
Blockchain developer

@Nefkon Groningen, Netherlands

1% Better Everyday


Roman Sivakov RSivakov
Digital Cowboy @obitel @RoadsTO I’ve been researching & making new financial technologies since 2007 and DeFi now Fucking weird arrogant pretentious bastard

@obitel @RoadsTO Cartoon Uniwerse

Juan L juanlucasl
Front end developer. Open Source enthusiast. Linux user. Casual gamer.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eric Liu Ericliu001

Uber San Francisco, CA

José Antonio JoseAntonioPdosSantos
I'm José Antonio, Fullstack developer