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Luiz Fernando Lord1nho
Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS HTML/CSS Javascript/typescript React
Amanda de Jesus Melo amandexspeed
19 anos, programadora, finalizei o curso técnico em desenvolvimento de sistemas e cursando Sistemas de informação na UFS

UFS Brasil,Sergipe,Itabaiana

Joanne Stephany joannestephany
[ x ] I'm not a robot

Federal University of Sergipe Sergipe, Brasil

Éricles Dos Santos Ericles-Porty
🦐 Back-end Lover 📚Graduated in Information Systems at Universidade Federal de Sergipe.

Protech Solutions Sergipe, Brasil

Evellyn Jade evellynreis
Full Stack Web Developer

Aracaju - SE

Felipe Souza jfelipesouza
Web (front end) and mobile developer focusing on React, React Native and Node technologies. Tech lover and nerd by nature.
Francisco Junior AnotherOne07
Estudante, na teoria, de computação, tentando encontrar meu caminho.

Minha mãe Sergipe

PhD researcher @Butantan Institute Currently working on Protein Structure Prediction

Butantan Institute Brazil

Jonny jonnypaulino
FrontEnd Developer


kevennyJS KevennyJS
Majoring in Information Systems at Federal University of Sergipe


Evan Clayton evanclayton

IPTI Santa Luzia do Itanhy/SE

Igor Gonçalves igorgoncalves
What’s up, I’m Igor. I’m a web developer living in São Cristóvão, Brasil. I am a fan of technology, design, and photography. I’m also interested in volunteering
