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Gabriel Santos Cardoso eng-gabrielscardoso
🇧🇷 Full Stack Developer at @fone-ninja and Academic Student at Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

@fone-ninja Barcarena, Pará, Brasil

近藤 晴輝 HarukiKondo


Helmut Drewes drewes

Agrista Cape Town, South Africa

Kay Kang kevin-kang-tido
Coding and Solving Problem is the same.
David Luna davidrlunag
Apasionado de la Tecnología. Java en todos sus sabores. Desarrollador FullStack. Consultor WebRTC. Arquitecto de Software.

Luna Enterprises Venezuela

Sergey Kaunov skaunov
Will pick the job which LLM won't
BChain papismurf
Developer Pythonista: Technology, Finance, Earth


Yasir Karam yasir2000
Researcher in Cloud Computing

Abu Dhabi, UAE

AgroCrypto agrocrypto
Creating something Unbelievable! AgroCrypto. From Agriculture to Blockchain. New Horizon!

Los Angeles

ethereum 0xETHengineer

@ethereum usa

PulseLightningNetwork_LaminaZero 0xGoerliMainnet
Co-creator annex_dao_81189

Coinbase Ireland Ltd


Innovative 7 corp Houston tx

rashann247 Rashann2471


Néstor Castanedo Ncastanedo
Innovation Expert | Director. Pioneer for the application of Blockchain Technologies

Eurotech / AET / BeDisruptive Madrid, Spain

Daniel Zarifpour zarifpour

@layer3xyz New York, NY

Steve Hodgkiss stephenhodgkiss
Over the past few years, Steve Hodgkiss has developed other experiences related to Blockchain technology and how it can empower governments and businesses.

United Kingdom and S.E. Asia



Rashik Hasnat Rashik004
- Senior Software Engineer - .Net Developer - Problem Solving Enthusiast

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Andre viannaandreBR
Software Engineer & Data Scientist #ESG #Vision2030 #research #innovation #iot #bigdata #analytics #blockchain #deeplearning #dataviz

Bioinformatica Labs Earth

Tucker Strobel TuckerStrobel-TI
Software Developer at The Institutes RiskStream
Calcody-Lee Mcneill PinkDiamond1

Polybest Holding B.V. helm repo add twingate

John Hosie hosie

@kaleido-io UK

Htain Linn Htoo phohtoo
Software Engineer..
