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Müller Barnabás MBarni458
Computer Science student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Peter Ferencz peterferencz
Why me code no work? 🤔


Bence Hagymási hb3nce04
20-year-old enthusiasistic computer science student - Junior Web Developer

University of Debrecen Hungary, Nyíregyháza

Andor Balo Andor0016

Xpericad Kft. Hungary

Bálint Király balint-kiraly
Computer Science Student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Ujhelyi Patrik Gábor UjhelyiPatrik
Greatings! My name is Patrik and I am a computer engineering student in Hungary at BME.
Karácsony Gábor GaborTurbo
I am currently studying IT at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Lipódi László nevemlaci
I study Computer Engineering. I like C++.


Peter Almos Unyi petya0927
Hi! I'm a junior software developer, learning about technology, businesses and startups.


Mozsár Máté mozsarmate
👋 Computer engineering student at BME Budapest


Máté Tallósi tallosim
Software Developer at BD Energy A/S

Aarhus, Denmark

Alex Csiszár csiszaralex
Computer Science Engineer student in University of Technology and Economics of Budapest

Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary

Tamás Südi tomitheninja
👨‍💻 Software Engineer at Cloudera, exploring both web development and DevOps 🚀

@hortonworks ::1, Szeged, HU

Sámuel Fekete Tschonti
I'm a Computer Science student from Hungary.

Munich, Germany

Trisztán Piller triszt4n
Software Engineer MSc student at BUTE. Former president of Simonyi.


Bálint Berente berenteb
Computer Science student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Web Development enthusiast.

META-INF Hungary