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It started a long time ago… …when, where and how will it end?

No no, no. Better not. Earth, I guess. At least in our common understanding.

John Qing NoHeartPen
Computational linguist & Chinese, JavaScript & Japanese, Pythonista & Polyglot, TypeScript & Translator.


RomainYang RomainYangyzy
Keep on going never give up.
Philipp Schweig philippschweig
Ask for the wherefore! Don't hide the problem, make it visible, search the root cause and solve it!

Berlin, Germany

Nicholas Spagnoletti nickyspag
Python developer and writer of other things like plays.

Nitric Software Lab Porto, Portugal / Cape Town, South Africa

lupu lupu60

@Sh4res Brasov

Isabella Mendes ismendins
Brazilian. 25 years old. Estudante de ADS com foco em backend (Java, C#) e QA.

Fortaleza, Brasil

Bnoe briannoe

Woodstock, VA

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Christopher Arranz CA-Arranz
interests: programming, AI, full stack Web Development,Web accessibility, engineering, mechanics, Biochemistry, science. Qualified Boilermaker by Trade.

Arranz Welding Australia,Victoria

Xinze Chen XC-Xinze
Student who is working on pursuing Phd now...


Scott Walter ScottJWalter
Just another digital nomad roaming the information superhighway, looking for adventure and enlightenment.

Minneapolis, MN

Glenn Willey Chairzard
I hate typos. If I find them, I report them!