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Aniruddha Mukherjee annimukherjee
CS Undergrad. AI for Social Good / AI in HCI / AI in Healthcare.
Eduardo Salazar eduardosalaz
decision science

PepsiCo Monterrey, México

I am Hanzo ,from Chongqing University. I love learning and open source.I hope I can make my own contribution to github one day.

Chongqing University Chongqing City

Abid Ali aadogar
I am PhD candidate with research direction in load forecasting, Smart Grid, Microgrid, Electrical Power systems, and machine learning.

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Ange Valli (Ángel Valli Maldonado) AngeValli
PhD Candidate in Applied Mathematics

Université Paris-Saclay / CentraleSupélec Paris

Edward Oughton edwardoughton
Open-source data analytics for decision-making

George Mason University, VA Washington DC Metro Area

Melek Ben-Ayed melek2
PhD student @ Grid Integration and Decarbonization (GrID) Lab @ Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department @ UC San Diego

San Diego, California

Kyle Beggs kylebeggs
Scientific Software Developer

JuliaHub North Carolina, United States

Ivan ivanightingale
🟢 🔴 🟣

Georgia Institute of Technology

Jon Pearce jonpea

Auckland, New Zealand


GIEE@National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Pradyumna Rao prao7
Researcher, NREL


Bruno Cortes brcortess
Engineer, Researcher, past FAPESP Postdoctoral Fellow, and IEEE member, holding a Ph.D., M.Sc., and MBA.


Davide Davide9710
I am a Quantum Computing MSc student @keio and @Politecnico di Milano. I am here to share personal project and hopefully get feedback from you

Soldo Technology Srl Rome

Daniel Moore dmoored4

Rutgers Industrial and Systems Engineereing NJ

Ruslan Shaydulin rsln-s

JPMorgan Chase New York

Saif Rahaman saif-rahaman
Post-Doc at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos, USA

Yi Han Quinlan-mldl
PhD Candidate, Class of 2023, Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China

Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing

Pratik Sathe PratikSathe

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM

Quang-Vinh Khuat vnpower
It's never too late to do the meaningful things!

BK Automation & Software Hanoi, Vietnam


University of Stuttgart Stuttgart

Matteo Rossini matteorossini
Doctoral researcher on power system optimization

KU Leuven | Etch (EnergyVille) Belgium

Hien Thanh Doan hiengithub
Postdoctoral Research Associate with @nicelabSG

Sogang University, NICELAB Korea, Seoul

Song Keunju KeunJuSong
Connecting the dots @nicelabSG

Sogang University, NICELAB Korea, Seoul