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Jeremy W. Murphy jeremy-murphy
Passionate about applying programming to mathematics and applying mathematics to programming.

Blackmagic Design Sydney, Australia

Halis AKBAL halisakbal
A passionate developer from Turkey

Gebze Technical University Çayırova/Kocaeli

Fazil Amirli amirli21
Data scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Mathematician, Passionate coder.

Ankara, Turkey

Hsincho xinzhuohkust
PhD Student at HKUST


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Maksim Levental makslevental
DSLs, compilers, accelerator architectures, and math.

AMD Boston, Massachusetts

David Ayotte DavidAyotte
PhD in mathematics and data scientist in finance


Alun Cennyth Stokes AlunStokes
Dessins d'enfants, graph embeddings (metric kind), and various machines learnings. Most repos are private by necessity (for now). I study number theory.

McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario