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Zell tudzl
I am a Senior HW developer, Extreme Electronic device hacker, C/C++/MPY/C# SW coder. Here I share some IoT, MCU experiment projects.

former in Deutschland, now in East China

Albert Sáez Núñez as43z
Engineer working @ Certificate and Key Management Specialist

Copenhagen, Denmark

Jerry Ray Jerry0443

Microchip Austin, Tx

kunyi chen aaeon-kunyi
Account content archived since I left AAEON years ago. Contact AAEON staff or me for paid consulting.
Andrew Cooks acooks

Brisbane, Queensland

Joemel John Diente joemdiente
Electronics Engineer


Jan Lübbe jluebbe
Embedded Linux Developer, @rauc & @labgrid-project co-maintainer

@pengutronix Braunschweig

flyerink flyerink

@MicrochipTech Shenzhen China

haichang iosx

Yusur Beijing