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Metin Aydar metinaydar
Data Scientist in FinTech

Tallinn, Estonia

Using AWS Lambda/EventBridge, Vercel, Node, TS, Express, nodemon, SWC, JWT, MongoDB, Vite, Tailwind, Netlify, pnpm, Ubuntu, Python, Cloudflare, SendGrid, VSCode
Hossein Rezaei HosseinDataScience
I am a data science enthusiast with a background in civil engineering. Even though I've spent many years as a civil engineer, I’ve dedicated the last 10 years o
Aryan Gajjar gajjararyan
I am a Student Of Computer Engineering at SSIU. I am Interested in Software Development & DevRel🥑. I love to contribute in Community.
Arjun Sasi Arjun-Sasi
MSc Big Data || Data Scientist "I would rather have questions that can't be answered,Than answers that can't be questioned"- R.F
Abdullah As-Sadeed bitscoper
Prefers coding from scratch. Loves the Linux kernel.

AlmaLinux OS Foundation Bangladesh

Struckle jacobstruckle
API dude. Husky dad. Guy that is somehow dating the chick out of his league.


Sun Yufei sunyufei92
Ph.D. Candidate | Financial engineer

Warsaw University Warsaw/New York

Leny Pascal IHIRWE leny62
FullStack Engineer

Ontario, Canada

Braga DGBBraga
Software Engineer.

PUC-Minas Belo Horizonte, Brazil

yadnyesh ydnyshhh
tensor shepherd in a non-euclidean pasture | grazing on cuda cores
Insung in27sung
Hello, I'm a developer 🧑🏻‍💻
Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

iamlos iamlos
<trappin/> Internet. Media. Blogs.

Caaza Worldwide

Trang Pham TrangPham93
Inspiring data analyst 📊 Enthusiastic in process automation 🛠️Strong background in finance & accounting 🧮 5-year experience as financial controller 💵

Helsinki Finland

Keef In The Reef bropenguin847
Hello World! You can call me Penguin. I like to do electronics stuff and some programming.

My own Mind IDK


Alipay Hangzhou, China

nissan sah nissansah1
it's time for impressive
Vik cbnst
Seasoned Telecom Engineer (14+ yrs) specializing in automation, Python, DevOps, and data analysis. Learning AI for analytics. 🚀 Connect on LinkedIn!


Danny Dore dannydore
Risk Technology Application Support Analyst at Marex. Passionate about developing risk data platforms, baseball, fitness, nutrition, punk rock, and urbanism

Marex Chicago

tk hellotksan
🌐 Aspiring Full Stack Engineer | Student at Technical College | I love OSS projects!

Saitama IT/WEB college Japan

Mulyana Mulyana01
I Only EMploye

PT. Twin Irsyad Dev Cibucil