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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Stanislav Cherenkov stcherenkov

@ozean12 Berlin, Deutschland

Andrei Tcaci Leprechaunz

Billie Berlin, Germany

Michael Feinbier michaelfeinbier
Full-stack developer | Engineering Lead

Engineering Manager @ozean12 Düsseldorf

Practicalli Johnny practicalli-johnny
Software Engineer, tech writer, advocate & tech leadership. Loves Clojure, Emacs/Neovim, Cats, Cycling & Lean Agile practices | Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Practicalli Altair IV

Eduardo Rodrigues Semensati EduSemensati
Director of Engineering at @ozean12

@ozean12 ( Germany

Andrey Astakhov a-ast
Backend developer, PHP, Kotlin, Golang, mountains, ping pong

Berlin, Germany

ayumi aaayumi
FrontEnd Developer based in Berlin, Germany.

Berlin Germany

Gabriel Anhaia gabrielanhaia
Book "Design Patterns with PHP 7"

Billie GmbH, Dev Warlocks Germany / Brazil