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Joel Kenny joeljkrb
Learning & building Medellín/London

< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain
Divgun tekvyy
full stack developer in the morning, blockchain enthusiast by the night. #swift #reactnative #nft #solidity #substrate #rust

Mississauga , Canada

LV jlv55


Dane Bulat danebulat
MSc. React, TypeScript, Rust, Haskell, Web3.

London, United Kingdom

Sourabh Niyogi sourabhniyogi
Colorful Notion

Colorful Notion Inc. San Mateo, CA

Coffee | Try to become "Rustacean🦀"

Somewhere on the planet

Rodolfo Jesús Brown López robrown
Estudiante de Ingeniería de sistemas en la UTP, apasionado de la tecnología y el deporte.
Bob Liu Akagi201
The quieter, the more!

@longcipher Global

Chevdor chevdor
Yep, just right there but I like it decentralized.

Parity Germany

Ross Bulat rossbulat
Engineering with Typescript and Rust. Polkadot fellow.

JKRB London, United Kingdom