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s.kosik kosik
Security is not just thing which exists or not. Security is a process
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Minesh A. Jethva minesh1291
Kaggle 2x Expert, Data Scientist focusing on deep sequence modeling for TimeSeries, Computer Vision and NLP

@Kaggle Gandhinagar

Fatimah Muhammad Sani dWanderingSoul
🚀 Aspiring Machine Learning Engineer | 📊📈🗂️🗃️ Data Enthusiast | 💡 Creative Problem Solver | Python, Node.s Backend dev | Solving Data Challenges


samchanpanha samchanpanha

Core Banking Phnom Penh

thevingoa thevingoa


Cansu Zohre cansuzohre
📊 Data Scientist & BI Specialist with a Medical Focus 💼

BI Health Italy

Bruno Sanches BrunoSan1991
Web Full Stack Node.js | ADS | UX/UI
Jonas Hörström sublibra
Director, R&D Manager at Qlik driving a group with: * AI Platform * API Platform * Frontend Core * Telemetry Data & Services @qlik-trial

Qlik Lund

Wellington Oliveira wellingtonollv
Software Engineer and Frontend Developer

Cluster Data Experience Florianópolis

권동만 dmkwon
I hope today is good!!! #__brain_refresh__

intellicode 경기도 수원시 영통구 광교로 105, 경기R&DB센터 504호

Miguel Maravilla MiguelMaravilla

@telia-company, @telia-actions Stockholm

Yongchao Wu yonwu
PhD Candidate at Stockholm University

Stockholm University Stockholm,Sweden

Jordan Bourbonnais internetbuilder
Internet Builder - Full Stack Web Developer & Multi-platform Systems Integrators

chiefwebofficer Montréal

Alexey Romanenko aromanenko-dev
Principal Software Engineer at Talend, Apache Beam committer & PMC member, ASF Member

@Talend France

Ayodele Makun delmak2000
I love music, movies and football. I have a wicked sense of humour. I am passionate and a hard worker
Hardik Narang naranghardik16
Computer Science Senior at NUS

National University of Singapore Singapore

Matteo Starri palmamod
Cycling, football, adidas trainers, urban mobility. R.


Vitor Teixeira vitaotex2708
Especialista em Business Intelligence e Análise de Dados.

DWV Soluções Inteligentes São Paulo

Enrique Martínez Zúñiga enrique
Full Stack Web Developer and Data Analyst for Library Discovery, Content Management, and ILS Integration Services

ITESO Zapopan, Jalisco, México

John Park Parkman328
Software Architect, Tutorials and Prototypes, Obsessed with Stock Market and Numbers Using this repository for work as well as experimentation.

Qlik Los Angeles, California