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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Denise Banks codewithkeys
I'm knee-deep in the world of 0s and 1s, mastering the art of defending and securing against the dark forces lurking in the digital shadows.

(CyberGate)² Chicago

Patrice PatriceVigier

Vigier Guitars

Fausto Ruvalcaba fa-ruvalcaba

Reverb Aguascalientes, MX

Leonardo Durazo leodurazoreverb

Reverb Hermosillo, Sonora, MX

Zachary Eggert ZacharyEggert

Diablo Guitars Seattle, WA

Grant Maleski GrantMaleski
Hello! I'm Grant Maleski and I have years of experience solving technical problems in Data Science and as a Sales Engineer.

Chicago, IL

Brant Buckley brantbuckley
Berklee College of Music graduate, Songwriting Major. Python Language Certificate, College of DuPage. Certified HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and PHP - Studio Web.

Web Developer/Designer Warrenville, IL

J Bush iosjillian
iOS Engineer LA <- Chicago <- Mississippi

Los Angeles, CA

SS slimshizn
Just here to find a better way to do things.

Business Secret

John McCartney JohnBueno

@reverbdotcom Ithaca

Bennett Andrews bennettandrews

@reverbdotcom Chicago, IL