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Aravindh joyson04
DevOps, SD-Wan, CCNP Enterprise
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Diego Valcarce valcarcexyz
Free as in freedom

VP of Engineering @Innogando A Coruña

Iakovos Mastrogiannopoulos IakMastro
Software Engineer at Future Intelligence

Future Intelligence Agia Paraskeui, Greece

Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez manolait
Ingeniería Superior en Informática


Mano southguy


Luis Merino Ulizarna luismerinou
Software engineer with master´s degree in applications of artificial intelligence to healthcare 🧬👨‍⚕️I´m passionate of this field 🚀


Tatiana tatvil
Desarrolladora de aplicaciones informáticas con experiencia en la creación y gestión de proyectos tecnológicos.

@hpecds Spain

Enrique Arizón Benito earizon
Software architect.

@SinglePageBookProject Git

Juan Martín JuanMartinP
Graduate in computer science/engineering by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Néstor Castanedo Ncastanedo
Innovation Expert | Director. Pioneer for the application of Blockchain Technologies

Eurotech / AET / BeDisruptive Madrid, Spain

Alberto Díaz López TakuyaSama
42 Madrid Student. Hardware, Software, KISS, FOSS, Linux, GNU/Linux, Arch Linux, CLI/TUI, Wayland, Sway, KDE, AOSP, ArrowOS, LineageOS & Mechanical Keyboards

Madrid, Spain

David-J@P0 davidjapo
Informático educado en una familia budista


Marcus Klein joaomdsk
Data Scientist by formation, currently a Program Manager, seeking for Data Science evolution
Raül García Pérez SevenElevenBCN

Telefonica de España SAU Barcelona

MA, Francis Nathanael Rodriguez cyberfrancis99
Lic. En Informática ----- Tecnico en Ciberseguridad---- MA, Auditoria Seg. Inf.----

@cybersofttech República Dominicana, Valverde, Esperanza, Centro de la Ciudad

Benito "DK_Den7e" L. dkden7e

@comunidadmancos Las Palmas de G.C.

Marivi Briz marivibrizr
Experienced Spanish and Guatemalan professional with a proven track record in challenging environments. Global Delivery Director for Open Gateway @Telefonica

Telefonica Spain


BSIG Saudi Arabia

GitHub isabella232

Ruslan Gonzalez ruslanguns
❤ Life is beautiful, just because!

Software Engineer & DevOps Guadalajara, Spain

Daniel Daniellop1

Universidad de Zaragoza Spain

Øx4A yisus2020
Network Administrator | Network Technician


Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

Sergio Martínez Neirth
I consider myself a restless mind that remains behind what the end user does not see, in the servers, specifically in the logic of these machines.

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Adrián Arroyo Calle aarroyoc
Illuminati confirmed

@Telefonica Valladolid, Spain

Sergio García sergiogarlez

@inditex Asturias, Spain