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PK pkshingleton
Bleep boop.


automatron3k automatron3k
my mission is to get you off your office and into the stuff you like

Automatron 3000

Atilla Bora Semerci etzellux
Computer Engineer, Backend Developer @studiobakers

Bakers Studio Istanbul

Tim Holtsmann holtsmann
Master Distiller

Piter.Bar Saint-Petersburg

Luis Ángel Méndez Gort lamg
Solving problems


sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Jack Dalton jaxkstrafe
Currently, a Senior studying Computer Science at Stephen F Austin


Noire noire115
Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. #🟦
OlaAdams Adamsonoladipupo
I am a Graphics designer and Video editor with a passion for creativity and an eye for great design. A tech enthusiasts.
ħþ helderjnpinto
Maker, electronics hobbiest and enthusiast, software engineer.

Yari Labs Earth

Shakir ShakirMA
Python | Data Science | ML
Julián Mulet uxtechie
Software developer. Trying to share more about my discoveries and side projects. Favourite stack: Rust, Typescript, React, Postgres, Docker and Kubernetes.

@ds3engine Spain

Guangyao Li Li-Guangyao
Software Engineer; Blockchain/Fintech researcher; Finance/Quant amateur; DS/Distributed system/Big Data learner; Entrepreneur; Art-lover;

Exermon Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou, China

Virtual Reality & NLP


soi soi-20

Delhi, India

Bailey Simrell BaileySimrell
Full Stack Software Designer, Developer, and Researcher @justrightpl

Scranton, PA

Richard dachenlian
Professional programmer wannabe.

@lopentu Taiwan

Kyle Cain cainky
Professional software developer based in downtown Toronto.

Toronto, Ontario

Alessandro Pasqualini alessandro1105
Founder of Dartmoon | The moon is rising

Dartmoon | The moon is rising Italy

WhichWayzUp x0oo11235oo0x
Down The Rabbit Hole

Here and Now

technologized technologized
Computer Guru | Web Developer | Community Mod @UnUniFi | Crypto Enthusiast |
