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Ryan Ashton djryanash
iOS dev building impactful apps with Swift/SwiftUI. Founder of Well Spotted, blending tech & nature. Passion for innovation, sustainability, and design. 🚀📱

Well Spotted iOS app Hong Kong

3ug3n3 ObiwanKenobee

@Guardian-IO Wakanda

Marshall Wilson Ballard marsxul
Interdisciplinary Geographer, Transportation Informaticist at Fehr & Peers, formerly with @vta.
Diego J. Lizcano dlizcano
Wildlife biologist interested in mammal ecology and conservation. R and Linux fan.

@SCMas Bogota, Colombia

Daniel J. Dufour DanielJDufour
builds,, georaster, georaster-layer-for-leaflet, date-extractor, geotiff-stats, and xml-utils; built, and maintains proj4js/mgrs

@GeoSurge Chattanooga, TN

Akram Zaytar Akramz
Geospatial ML @microsoft AI for Good. Previously @IBMResearch. Interested in data science, machine learning, and Computer Vision.

Microsoft Tangier, Morocco

Vincent Sarago vincentsarago
Earth Observation Specialist | Geospatial developer | Creator of

@developmentseed Bretagne

Brendan McAndrew bmcandr
Geospatial Software Engineer @impactobservatory / Previously @NASA-LIS

@impactobservatory Washington, D.C.

Anthony Lukach alukach

@developmentseed Nelson, BC, Canada


Appdroplet Green Bay, WI

Allan Rocha Allankrc
GREEN SOFTWARE BACKEND - PHP, JS, PYTHON, MySQL | POSTGRES Google Earth Engine ID Lattes: 2037954679360003


Hein Bekker netbek
Full-stack web developer @Siyavula

South Africa

Nepo Rojas • GECI nepito

Conservación de Islas Ensenada, México

Evaristo Rojas • GECI devarops
Director of Data Science @IslasGECI

@IslasGECI Ensenada, Mexico

Ștefan Istrate stefanistrate

Tech4Nature LTD London, UK

Mario Villasante • GECI mvillasante
M. en C. Físicas.


Anna Medyukhina amedyukhina

ISeeChange Planet Earth

Xinyi (Jessica) Wang XinyiWang-Jessica
Data Science master's graduate with hands-on experience in Machine Learning and ETL, leveraging professional engineering expertise.

Bay Area