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Youssef Baghrous Youssefbaghr
👋 Hey there! I'm Youssef Baghrous, a developper passionate about crafting efficient and scalable solutions. 🚀👨‍💻 Python, MERN , Next js


Misato Tanno maisa0804
Frontend developer


Johnson Subedi I-Johnson

Centre College San Fransisco

Facundo Guardia facuguardia
Software Developer Full Stack

Freelancer España

Martin tin-r9
Software Engineer

Booster Software Montevideo, Uruguay

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Robloncz Robloncz

tecRacer Consulting GmbH Duisburg, Germany

Kotkoroid kotkoroid
Internet must be built right. I name branches by the currently playing song. ⚡ Zig is king.


Prottoy Paul prottoypaul23

Brain Station 23 Dhaka, Bangladesh

Oluwadamilola Oladipo Oladiman
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

London, United Kingdom

Shun Kakinoki shunkakinoki


Jesus Ordosgoitty jodaz
Software Developer. Productive procrastinator. Working with @reactjs @laravel @nodejs @php @python


Dom Foley FoleyDom
Full-Stack Web Developer | LAPP Stack | Solving problems Pennsylvania

Andrés Martínez andresdanielmtz
CS and Engineering Student @ ITESM & SWE Intern @ IBM

IBM Guadalajara, MX

Daniel Adeneye Dahnie
Frontend Engineer🚀

Lagos, Nigeria.

David Dada DADADAVE80
Blockchain | Mobile App Developer


Fortan Pireva FortanPireva
Software Engineer, gym enthusiast, a life-long learner.

Slinggy Apps Pristina,Kosovo

David Salami Wizdave97
Making a dent in the Universe

Polytope Labs Lagos , Nigeria

Masnoon Junaid masnoonJunaid
Aliah University, Computer science and engineering, Former Google India scholar at Udacity Kolkata, India

Dallas Peekaey

pod 7 ap-southeast-2

Om Panpatil OmPanpatil
I am enthusiastic about collaborating on innovative projects, contributing to open source initiatives, and continuously learning from the developer community.

Mumbai, India


Vevaar Zone | India

Kent kent12t
Creative technologist, using technology as a tool to improve the everyday life
iota jianfenkezhan

Alibaba 浙江杭州市余杭区

Ryan E. rywards
Technology Administrator // HTML/CSS, Python, PowerShell

New Jersey

jQuery || React || React Native || Next JS|| Vue JS || Frontend Web App Developer || Express JS Pakistan