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TKnott Tknott95
mostly private repos that will slowly be open-sourced but possibly can be half-baked at times (made some public repos private again. Some may go priv some pub)

Freelance Software Engineer Denver, CO

JDo3 JCrypDoe
Come build with me.
Mad Orkestra MadOrkestra
I am here now, too. I build things.


Ryan Ryun1

Intersect @IntersectMBO London

Lakshminarayanan Nandakumar srinathln7
Building Linea @Consensys | I go by my nick name 'Srinath'

Consensys Netherlands

Rinor Hoxha rinor

BAITS sh.p.k Albania, Tirane

Tucker Triggs tuckpuck
Website developer | Cardano developer | Digital nomad

Tucker Triggs Development

Tommy Gingras studiowebux
Co-founder of Studio Webux

Studiowebux Montréal, Québec


Blockheads Digital

Aleś aboxis
Developer, entrepreneur, blockchain enthusiast, Cardano pool owner

@oxisoft Poland

Manuel Schmidt oversize

@cardano-foundation /home/msch

Christophe Garant ccgarant
Systems Engineer. Mechanical-Hydraulic-Controls-Software blend. Mech-Hyd, Flight Controls, Rotorcraft & Subsea. Always learning.

Connecticut, USA

WCat wcatz

Kick them in the teeth productions USA

sumerion sumerion

Sumerion Brussels

Dominic Mayhew domMayhew
Software Engineer. Bachelor of Computing Science.

British Columbia

Clark Alesna Mercurial
🇵🇭 #Cardano $ADA #Rust #Haskell #.NET

Cebu, Philippines

Neil Mayhew neilmayhew
Software developer and consultant, specializing in Linux server, web and desktop application development and deployment. Haskell and NixOS enthusiast.

@input-output-hk Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Chris Gianelloni wolf31o2
CEO & Co-Founder | Director of Platform Engineering | Open Source Developer

Blink Labs USA