This Repository offers a GUI for the awesome UAD-Project
NOTE: the main project was restarted with their own GUI with hints to my layout / design
- Linux, Windows and MacOS should be supported (Windows and Linux is tested and works)
- runs on Python and dearpygui
- should support all versions of Android
- but only android 10 is tested right now
- checks packages on device against packages known to debloater-tool
- a fresh samsung S10e has ~120 packages that can be disabled without loosing comfort
- minimizes wakeups that drain battery, ram-usage, security concerns because of questionable manufacturer / carrier apps
- filter for package-type, keywords, enable-status and remove-recommendation
- packages can be enabled, disabled, installed and uninstalled
- manually save current package data as csv locally
- makes it easy to contribute new packages to the debloat project
- auto-save meta-data on device (info stays even if adb does not show it anymore)
- resizing windows adapts the table
- log of adb operations - timestamp, device, shell-operation and response
- you need a 64bit System due to the dearpygui-framework
- make sure python 3.6+ is on your system
- installation and execution need a terminal for now
- probably not every step is necessary on your system
- (optional) copy your adb-key to this folder, otherwise a new one is generated and your phone wants a confirmation on first connect
- (optional) to not mess with you python-setup, you can setup a virtual-env
- (optional) if you cloned this repo you can just update by executing
git pull
inside the project folder
Linux (tested with Mint):
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install git
git clone
cd universal-android-debloater-UI
pip install -r requirements.txt
Windows 10:
- download and install the newest python with pip
- download and decompress these project sources into a folder
- open cmd-terminal (with admin-rights if you don't plan to use virtual-env and your python install is system-wide)
- run:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
MacOS (with python and git installed):
NOTE: there seems to be a problem with adb-shell[usb] (beta) - tool is probably not working currently
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
git clone
cd universal-android-debloater-UI
pip install -r requirements.txt
- WARNING AS ALWAYS: always make a full nandroid / twrp backup before changing the system!
- config your phone to allow adb shell (see debloater project for details)
- run
-> UI should appear - connect your device
- data is automatically saved and fetched on device on local data-partition as "universal_android_debloater_package_list.csv"
- this ensures that you see uninstalled packages even if adb does not show them anymore
- you can filter for keywords above the table or for values on specific columns by clicking the cell in the first row
- make your selection on packages and choose an action below the table, but consider the following warning notes
- you should only remove packages that are marked safe
- even some safe packages can ruin your experience if you got no replacement (launcher, keyboard, ..)
- watch out for packages that are considered safe but have another device-brand or "" as source
- information about the packages should be shown as you click on the corresponding row
- try rebooting and test basic functionality
- phone shows demanding apps in the battery-usage options and ram-horders can be found in the memory-options (hidden dev menu)
- (optional) deactivate adb after you are finished
- find a way to make first column wider, not possible atm
- (tested) support for older android versions
- connect via TCP
- cleanup GUI, bring adb-output and debug to separate tabs
- add some examples from different manufacturers
- better meta-data support for known packages
- generate binaries, mostly windows because linux and mac already ship with python
- meta-data that would be helpful for known packages (use, where it applies)
- package_name: name that ADB sees
- program_name: name in UI, can be language dependant, but should default to english
- keywords: descriptive words that allow grouping, like "samsung, bixby"
- dependence_for: allows to warn user if this would break something
- depending_on: (see comment right above)
- safe_to_remove: bool
- description: text like in current lists
- replacement_recommended: some thing open source and light on resources, similar fn
- better packet info could be stored on a per-file basis or like now in brand specific files, but maybe switch to yaml or similar
- cleanup source, commiting to gui would save 1/5 LOC, but make future cli harder