Do you rely on test workflows for upholding a high level of code quality? Have you ever been frustrated at the fact that every time you want to make changes to your github workflow .yml
you have to commit changes which may lead to failed builds, again and again? have you ever been frustrated that this leads to "commit pollution"? I have. And this is why I decided to use act, which is a superb tool that spawns a docker instance to run the workflow locally. It is user friendly, but still requires some configuration to get it up and running, especially if you want fancy things like authenticating and connecting to external services.
The objective of this short tutorial is to run a Github test workflow on our local machine to speed up development iterations. This is of particular importance when you don't want to pollute Git history by committing a lot of code whose purpose is to get the test workflow to pass. In our case, this is especially important, as our tests are data-intensive and incur large bandwidth overhead on our Azure instance, which translates to higher cost.
We are going to use act, which is a tool that spawns a docker instance to run the workflow locally.
NOTE: If you find this tool useful, please consider supporting the developer here.
For this to work we will need to do the following:
- Install Docker Engine. Please make sure that the Docker daemon is running and functional prior to proceeding with this tutorial.
- Create an
config file, which tellsact
which base image to use. We can use a pre-built base image, or we can build our own base image. - Create a
and build it. - Run the docker image, passing some environment variables needed for the workflow to execute.
- (Optional) Create a
file, which stores our authentication credentials for connecting to our external service.
Let's start! 🚀
At this point your local directory structure should look something like this:
$ tree -a
├── my-repo
├── .git
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └── tests.yml
└── src
The .actrc
config file should be in your top-level directory.
Contents of .actrc
This specifies which ubuntu image the Dockerfile should use. For more info on available docker images for act
have a look here.
A typical workflow .yml
file (i.e. tests.yml
) may look like this:
name: Github action to run tests
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: azure/#@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: "3.8"
- uses: iterative/setup-dvc@v1
- name: "Install some_dependency"
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y some_dependency
- name: "Install requirements"
run: pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: "Pull data"
run: |
dvc remote modify my_data_remote url azure://my_data_dir/
dvc remote modify my_data_remote account_name 'my_account_name'
dvc pull -f
- name: "Run tests"
run: |
export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/$LD_PRELOAD
python -m pytest
NOTE: In our case we are using Azure Blob Storage to store the data and DVC to version it.
The line
on: ${ACTION}
specifies upon which action (push
, pull_request
) the workflow should run. The $ACTION
variable will be passed to the container during runtime.
At this point your local directory structure should look something like this:
$ tree -a
├── my-repo
├── .git
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └── tests.yml
└── src
Let us create a Docker-in-Docker Dockerfile
Contents of Dockerfile
FROM docker:dind
RUN apk add curl
RUN curl | sh
COPY .actrc /
RUN mv /.actrc ~/.actrc
WORKDIR /project
CMD /bin/sh -c "act -n ${ACTION} > /logs/dry-run.log; act ${ACTION} > /logs/run.log"
At this point your local directory structure should look something like this:
$ tree -a
├── .actrc
├── Dockerfile
├── my-repo
├── .git
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └── tests.yml
└── src
Let's build the Dockerfile via
docker build -t github-actions-pipeline .
NOTE: If you haven't enabled rootless mode, you may have to use
Now you can run docker images
(or sudo docker images
) and see the newly built image.
Now we can run our image and look at the logs.
sudo docker run \
-d --rm \ # delete container when finished
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $(pwd)/my-repo:/project \ # mount repo as volume inside container
-v $(pwd)/ci-logs:/logs \ # logs directory
-e ACTION=pull_request \ # our action (could be push, or something else)
github-actions-pipeline # our image
Hopefully, this should now run your workflow, if you don't require any kind of authentication to access your external service.
At this point your local directory structure should look something like this:
├── .actrc
├── ci-logs
│ ├── dry-run.log
│ └── run.log
├── Dockerfile
├── my-repo
├── .git
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └── tests.yml
└── src
To observe the logs, run
tail -f ci-logs/run.log
Sometimes we are connecting to external services (i.e. Azure Blob Storage)in order to fetch some data or do other things. To understand how to set up an Azure AD application and service principal, have a look at this tutorial. In our case, we have registered our Github workflow as an app on Azure, and have obtained an Azure secret credential which is passed to the workflow using a Github environment variable. It happens to be called secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS
. On Github, this can be set via repository settings menu, available to the administrator.
Once you have set up your app on Azure and obtained your secret key, then you can also use this key locally. We can employ the --secret-file $PATH_TO_SECRET
flag to tell act to look inside a file where we have stored our secret credential, i.e. act.vault
. We have to be careful how we store our secret key inside this file, especially if it is a JSON file (check out this for more details).
Contents of act.vault
, which in this case is formatted in yaml
AZURE_CREDENTIALS: { "clientId": "redacted", "clientSecret": "redacted", "subscriptionId": "redacted", "tenantId": "redacted", "activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "", "resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "", "activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "", "sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "", "galleryEndpointUrl": "", "managementEndpointUrl": "" }
(...make sure there are no newlines in your JSON!)
We have to put our secret file act.vault
inside a directory secret/
. Our directory structure should now look something like this:
$ tree -a
├── .actrc
├── ci-logs
│ ├── dry-run.log
│ └── run.log
├── Dockerfile
├── my-repo
│ ├── .git
│ ├── .github
│ │ └── workflows
│ │ └── tests.yml
│ └── src
└── secret
└── act.vault
As of the time of writing this, the Ubuntu 20.04 image kindly provided by @catthehacker does not come with the Azure CLI preinstalled, so we will have to use this image as a base and install az
on top of it. The Dockerfile
for our new base image will look like this:
RUN curl -sL | sudo >bash
We have to first build the act
docker build -t ubuntu:act-20.04 .
Once we decide which act
image to use (pre-built or our own), we also have to change the contents of our .actrc
to use the new act
image in our dind
Contents of .actrc
-P ubuntu-latest=ubuntu:act-20.04
I have provided a prebuilt image in my Docker hub repo. If you want to use that instead, you can replace the above with -P ubuntu-latest=orphefs/orphefs:act-ubuntu-20.04
in your .actrc
Now, let's include the new argument inside Dockerfile
Contents of Dockerfile
FROM docker:dind
RUN apk add curl
RUN curl | sh
COPY .actrc /
RUN mv /.actrc ~/.actrc
RUN mkdir /secret
WORKDIR /project
CMD /bin/sh -c "act -n ${ACTION} > /logs/dry-run.log; act ${ACTION} --secret-file=/secret/act.vault -v > /logs/run.log"
Now,let's build the dind
image again:
docker build -t github-actions-pipeline .
Now we can run the dind
container using
sudo docker run -d --rm \ # delete container when finished
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $(pwd)/my-repo:/project \ # mount my-repo into /project inside container
-v $(pwd)/ci-logs:/logs \ # logs directory
-v $(pwd)/secret:/secret \ # mount secret/ directory into /secret directory inside container
-e ACTION=pull_request \ # our action (could be push, or something else)
Hopefully the above runs smoothly and updates the ci-logs/run.log
file, so we can view the output on stdout via
tail -f ci-logs/run.log
which should look something like this:
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🐳 docker volume rm act-Github-action-to-run-tests-Run-tests
tail: ci-logs/run.log: file truncated
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🚀 Start image=ubuntu:act-20.04
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🐳 docker pull image=ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= username= forcePull=false
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🐳 docker pull ubuntu:act-20.04
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🐳 docker create image=ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["/usr/bin/tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] Created container name=act-Github-action-to-run-tests-Run-tests id=570bea46dc1532498dbb04cdf972b67613407f44b25b0f128dd5970b06d504c9 from image ubuntu:act-20.04 (platform: )
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] ENV ==> [RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp]
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🐳 docker run image=ubuntu:act-20.04 platform= entrypoint=["/usr/bin/tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] ✅ Success - Run tests
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] Removed container: 130da0ff0af6c87e2c9061a19af9a2f3e519c15a81ea27b56cf647efba6f26be
[Github action to run tests/Run-tests] 🐳 docker volume rm act-Github-action-to-run-tests-Run-tests
Happy workflowing 👍