All notable changes to the "zmk" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- update dependencies to the latest
- update to use multiple work spaces
- do not report errors when run in non-valhalla environment
- Update config examples
- Add appcloud/zebra config examples
- Fix error messages
- Implemented copyright header insert/update for C++ files. Developer name could be configured with 'zmk.developer' settings. Copyright template is configured with 'zmk.copyrightComment' setting.
- implemented "zmk.bundleDir" setting
- Update zmkUpdateBundlesInclude to use ${env:zmk.bundleDir} prefix.
Export zmk variables as env:zmk.XXX for c_cpp_properties.json. In particular that allows zmk-generated paths to be used in compileCommands path, like that:
"compileCommands": "${env:zmk.buildDir}/compile_commands.json"
Allow to show generated c_cpp_properties.json as virtual doc
command: zmkUpdateBundlesInclude.
Command allows to update c_cpp_properties.json, replacing/adding bundle include paths.
Note that only these configurations are updated, which already refer path, starting from "${env:zmk.bundleDir}".
Config setting "zmk.excludeBundles" can be used to exclude some bundles (these might be your work packages).
- introduce zmkGetCurrentFile to build single file only
- close configuration quick pick
- Show current gnb and ninja targets.
- Config selection shows currently selected item
- Initial release