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ZooKeeper integration

Flavian Alexandru edited this page May 30, 2016 · 4 revisions

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If you have never heard of Apache ZooKeeper before, a much better place to start is here. Phantom offers a complete set of features for ZooKeeper integration using the finagle-zookeeper project.

Using a set of conventions phantom can automate the entire process of using ZooKeeper in a distributed environment. Phantom will deal with a large series of concerns for you, specifically:

  • Creating a ZooKeeper client and initialising it in due time.
  • Fetching and parsing a sequence of Cassandra ports from ZooKeeper.
  • Creating a Cluster configuration based on the sequence of Cassandra ports available in ZooKeeper.
  • Creating an implicit session for queries to execute.

The entire process described above is entirely automated with a series of sensible defaults available. More details on default implementations are available below. Bottom line, if you want to go custom, you may override at will, if you just want to get something working as fast as possible, then phantom-zookeeper can do everything for you.