syntax = "proto3"; import "xresloader.proto"; import "xresloader_ue.proto"; import "dependency.proto"; import "dep_level2.proto"; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message role_cfg { uint32 id = 1; uint32 unlock_level = 2; int32 cost_type = 3; int32 cost_value = 4; string name = 5; dep_cfg dep_test = 10; repeated string test_array = 11; string int_as_string = 12; repeated cost_type test_plain_enum_array = 13; google.protobuf.Timestamp convert_timepoint_one = 21 [ (org.xresloader.field_origin_value) = "origin_timepoint_one" ]; string origin_timepoint_one = 22; google.protobuf.Duration convert_duration_one = 23 [ (org.xresloader.field_origin_value) = "origin_duration_one" ]; string origin_duration_one = 24; repeated google.protobuf.Timestamp convert_timepoint_arr = 25 [ (org.xresloader.field_origin_value) = "origin_timepoint_arr" ]; repeated string origin_timepoint_arr = 26; repeated google.protobuf.Duration convert_duration_arr = 27 [ (org.xresloader.field_origin_value) = "origin_duration_arr" ]; repeated string origin_duration_arr = 28; } message role_upgrade_cfg { option (org.xresloader.ue.helper) = "helper"; option (org.xresloader.msg_description) = "Test role_upgrade_cfg with multi keys"; uint32 Id = 1 [ (org.xresloader.ue.key_tag) = 1000, (org.xresloader.validator) = "custom_rule3" ]; uint32 Level = 2 [ (org.xresloader.ue.key_tag) = 1 ]; int32 CostType = 3 [ (org.xresloader.validator) = "custom_rule1", (org.xresloader.field_description) = "Refer to cost_type" ]; int64 CostValue = 4; int32 ScoreAdd = 5; } message arr_in_arr { option (org.xresloader.ue.helper) = "helper"; option (org.xresloader.ue.not_data_table) = true; option (org.xresloader.ue.include_header) = "Engine/CompositeDataTable.h"; string name = 1 [ (org.xresloader.field_description) = "This is a test name in array" ]; repeated int32 int_arr = 2 [ (org.xresloader.field_list_min_size) = "game_const_config.EN_GCC_UNKNOWN", (org.xresloader.field_list_max_size) = "3", (org.xresloader.field_list_strip_option) = LIST_STRIP_NOTHING ]; repeated string str_arr = 3; oneof test_onof { role_cfg test_info_role = 11; role_upgrade_cfg test_role_upgrade_cfg = 12; } enum test_nested_enum { EN_TEST_NESTED_ENUM_VAL_1 = 0; EN_TEST_NESTED_ENUM_VAL_2 = 123; } message test_nested_message { oneof test_onof { role_cfg test_nested_message_info_role = 11; role_upgrade_cfg test_nested_message_role_upgrade_cfg = 12; } enum test_nested_enum { EN_TEST_NESTED_MESSAGE_ENUM_VAL_1 = 0; EN_TEST_NESTED_MESSAGE_ENUM_VAL_2 = 123; } } } message test_msg_verifier { option (org.xresloader.msg_separator) = "-^"; uint32 test_id_1 = 10001; uint32 test_id_2 = 10002 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "测试ID别名2", (org.xresloader.field_tag) = "server_only" ]; uint32 test_id_3 = 10003 [ (org.xresloader.field_allow_missing_in_plain_mode) = true ]; } message arr_in_arr_cfg { option (org.xresloader.ue.helper) = "helper"; option (org.xresloader.msg_description) = "Test arr_in_arr_cfg"; uint32 id = 1 [ (org.xresloader.ue.key_tag) = 1, (org.xresloader.field_description) = "This is a Key" ]; repeated arr_in_arr arr = 2 [ (org.xresloader.field_tag) = "server_only" ]; repeated int32 test_plain_int_arr = 3 [ (org.xresloader.field_list_min_size) = "1", (org.xresloader.field_list_max_size) = "3", (org.xresloader.field_tag) = "server_only" ]; repeated cost_type test_plain_enum_arr = 4; test_msg_verifier test_plain_msg = 5 [ (org.xresloader.field_separator) = "&" ]; repeated test_msg_verifier test_plain_msg_arr = 6; map<int32, string> test_map_is = 7; map<string, dep2_cfg> test_map_sm = 8 [ (org.xresloader.field_separator) = "|" ]; } message event_reward_item { uint32 item_id = 1; uint32 item_count = 2; oneof nested { string nested_note = 11 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "描述文本" ]; cost_type nested_enum_type = 12 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "货币类型" ]; } } message event_rule_item { uint32 rule_id = 1; uint32 rule_param = 2; oneof nested { string nested_note = 11 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "描述文本" ]; cost_type nested_enum_type = 12 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "货币类型" ]; } } message event_cfg { option (org.xresloader.ue.helper) = "helper"; option (org.xresloader.msg_description) = "Test event_cfg with oneof fields"; uint32 id = 1 [ (org.xresloader.ue.key_tag) = 100, (org.xresloader.field_not_null) = true, (org.xresloader.field_unique_tag) = "unique_tag", (org.xresloader.validator) = "custom_rule4" ]; uint32 process = 2 [ (org.xresloader.ue.key_tag) = 1, (org.xresloader.field_not_null) = true, (org.xresloader.field_unique_tag) = "unique_tag" ]; event_rule_item rule = 6; event_rule_item specify_field = 7 [ (org.xresloader.field_tag) = "server_only" ]; oneof reward { option (org.xresloader.oneof_not_null) = true; option (org.xresloader.oneof_tag) = "server_only"; event_reward_item item = 11 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "奖励道具" ]; int64 user_exp = 12 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "奖励经验" ]; string note = 13 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "描述文本" ]; cost_type enum_type = 14 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "货币类型" ]; } oneof unlock_type { uint32 user_level = 51 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "玩家等级" ]; } repeated event_rule_item test_arr = 91 [ (org.xresloader.field_separator) = ";" ]; repeated event_rule_item test_empty_arr = 92 [ (org.xresloader.field_separator) = ";" ]; } message keep_or_strip_empty_list_cfg { option (org.xresloader.ue.helper) = "helper"; uint32 id = 1 [ (org.xresloader.ue.key_tag) = 1, (org.xresloader.field_description) = "This is a Key" ]; repeated dep2_cfg array_msg = 2; repeated dep2_cfg array_plain_msg = 3; repeated int32 array_int32 = 4; repeated int64 array_int64 = 5; } message combine_id { uint32 prefix = 1; uint32 id = 2 [ (org.xresloader.validator) = "0-99999" ]; } message process_by_script { uint32 id = 1; map<uint32, string> map_u32_string = 2; string human_readable_date = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp date = 4; map<int32, string> test_map_is = 7; map<string, dep2_cfg> test_map_sm = 8 [ (org.xresloader.field_separator) = "|" ]; combine_id id_id = 1001; } message large_file_test { uint32 id = 1; int32 i32value = 2; uint64 u64value = 3; double f64value = 4; float f32value = 5; string szvalue = 6; combine_id id_id = 7; } message inner_alias_message { int32 iType = 1 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "Type" ]; repeated int64 paramList = 2 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "Param", (org.xresloader.field_list_min_size) = "2" ]; } message outer_alias_message { int32 iId = 1 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "ID" ]; repeated inner_alias_message inners = 2 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "Condition" ]; repeated int32 nest_int = 3 [ (org.xresloader.field_alias) = "Nest", (org.xresloader.field_list_min_size) = "2" ]; }